
Pronunciation: vah-RE-un
Physique: Feminine
Average Height: 155cm
Average Weight: 51kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 65kg
Population Level: Moderate
Locomotion: Plantigrade


  • Underwater Breathing

  • Freedom of Movement (Underwater)

  • Tapetum Lucidum, slit eyes

  • Armored Scales

The Varian are an aquatic, feminine race. Every member of this race has the ability to breathe underwater for extended periods of time, and they are highly resistant to decompression sickness. Their body structure tends to be strong enough to withstand extreme depths. They also have the ability to collapse their own lungs and drain their ears/sinuses of air while underwater. This, along with the piezolytes within their body’s structure, allows them to dive deeper than any race on Cerolia without assistance. With a tougher bone structure than most races, they also tend to be heavier than their appearance would suggest. Their eyes also have a tapetum lucidum, allowing them to see in darker depths to a degree.

Membrane-like structures the color of their attunement between their fingers and toes stay contracted when at rest. Varian can, at will, extend these membrane structures to fill the spaces between their digits. This, along with their eel-like tail, allows them to move quickly under the water. The skin of their body is covered in very fine scales that cannot be easily seen by the naked eye. With a thin layer of mucus between them, these scales feel incredibly soft and almost slimy when touched.

They also have extremely thick/rigid scales on their abdomen, chest, shoulders, the back of their hands, and the top of their feet. When they collect spiritual energy, the space beneath these scales will glow with the same color as their attunement. Other than the membrane between their digits, this is the only way you can tell what a Varian’s attunement is by looking at them.

The Varian are considered the modern-day descendants of the ancient Mek’Va, one of the two predecessor races. It is also impossible for a Varian to be Hydro/Aquatic Attuned due to their natural affinity for the water.