
Pronunciation: uh-SOH-va
Physique: Feminine
Average Height: 245cm
Average Weight: 197kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 250kg
Population Level: Moderate
Locomotion: Digitigrade

Natural Advantages:

  • Quills

  • Claws

  • Fur Coat

  • Enhanced Sense of Smell

  • Tapetum Lucidum

The Asova are a feminine canine race. On average, they tend to be one of the largest and strongest races on Cerolia, only rivaled by the Unlei. Healthy Asova can grow to be over 260cm tall and 350kg. Their bones also tend to be extremely strong to help support this weight, even with a poor diet. Most architecture, especially that of military-style vessels and facilities, is created with their stature in mind. It is also important to note that these figures are averages, and that there is still a significant population of shorter and lighter Asova throughout the world.

They have quills on their forearms, spine, and the tops of their paws. In some cases these quills can even be found in place of the longer hair atop their head. When used defensively, they have the strength to deflect sword blows and other incoming attacks. Once these quills penetrate skin, microscopic scales act as hooks that disallow them from being removed easily. Because of this, they can be detached from the Asova’s body and left behind. Afterward, replacement quills will grow back rapidly - being replenished within a week. The quills are always the color of their attunement, and act as extensions of their Symbiont. When they crouch, the quills on their paws naturally fold inward to avoid accidental self-harm.

Fur colors, hair colors, eye colors, and the colors of their paw pads have no limits as to what they can be. This includes patterns and designs. No matter the color of their claws, they will always shift to the color of their attunement and glow when the Asova absorbs spiritual energy. They also have a tapetum lucidum, allowing them to see well in low light. Their canine-like nasal cavity allows them to take in more air with each breath, and they have extremely sensitive smell receptors.