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The Symbiont

All of the major sentient races on the planet Cerolia are born from a Symbiont Crystal (AKA Birthing Crystal), which remains with them from birth in the form of their Symbiont.

The Symbiont grants an individual the ability to manipulate and control the essence of life within their body, and within the body of willing participants nearby. It also grants the people of Cerolia access to innate and otherworldly abilities called Attunements. These appear in the form of colorful crystalline patterns that surface on an individual’s skin, the color of which indicates the person’s powers.

Paladins and Acolytes of the Temple of Aludra are trained throughout their lives to wield this spiritual energy for offensive and defensive purposes. This is sometimes referred to as Magic.

The use of magic, attuned abilities, and manipulating other individual’s Spiritual Energy is done at the cost of the Symbiont’s life essence. This can only be restored by reaping the souls of the Mek’Vatir. Amethya Crystals of all colors can be used to store excess spirits for later use, and are often found in jewelry and large crystalline staffs. Mek Pouches, and jewelry used to contain the Mek’Vatir themselves are also commonplace.