Magic, and the Spiritual Trinity

Spiritual energies are commonly seen as a trinity that define who an individual is on Cerolia. These three different parts to the life essence of a being can be directly manipulated, though some require certain prerequisites to be met before they can be tampered with by another. Advanced manipulation of these life energies can allow someone to preform feats of ‘Magic’.

Everyone on Cerolia with a Symbiont has a natural understanding of basic energy manipulation.

The Being

The Being is the primary aspect of the spirit, and is normally simplified to “Life Energies” in conversation. This is the essence of an individual and what is considered to feed a Symbiont upon the death of a targeted individual. This energy is also the level of the spirit that allows for the activation of a Symbiont Crystal, and is vital to the continuation of Cerolia’s races.

The sentient races of Cerolia, as well as the Mek’Vatir, all have life energy that is compatible on one level or another. All of the major races are able to interbreed using this life energy, forsake the Mek’Vatir.

Forced manipulation of this energy can cause extreme pain in a victim, and has been used as a method of torture by nefarious individuals and organizations in the past. However, killing someone by drawing out their energy is impossible unless they perish near a pure gathering point on the individual’s body. Absorbing the soul of another sentient being is a deliberate act and cannot be done by accident. The only exception to this are the Mek’Vatir, who can be passively devoured by the Symbiont or killed via draining.

The Projection

The Projection is what is commonly referred to as “Magic”, and refers to a physical manifestation of life energy outside of the body that can be manipulated by the host. This manifestation takes on the color characteristics of an individual’s attunement, and can sometimes be enhanced by an attunements abilities. It is through this energy that Medically Attuned individuals heal others and allows Paladins and Acolytes of Aludra to offensively and defensively combat others.

Outside of an individual’s natural attunement abilities, anyone who wishes to manipulate and use Projection abilities must have an above average level of discipline and mental fortitude. People train their entire lives just to be able to produce and manipulate this type of energy.

The Projection is directly powered by the Symbiont, and in the case of the Latherian Race, the Symbiont can potentially use Projection abilities autonomously for defensive purposes. Untrained use of Projection energies can rapidly advance a user through the stages of Æther Sickness and potentially lead to death or leave the user in a comatose state.

The Aura

The Aura is commonly referred to as “Pleasure Energy” or the “Energy of Relaxation” as it can be used for both things. This energy is different for nearly every person and can shift wildly throughout the span of a day depending on an individual’s mood or intentions. It can be manipulated by oneself or another, and the effects can range from raw euphoric sensual pleasure at any part of the body to calming and meditative tranquility. It cannot be manipulated against someone’s will, and requires absolute consent in order to control. The only exception to this rule are the Mek’Vatir, who can be manipulated via this energy at will with the potential of death. Careful use of this ability on the Mek can cause them to become addicted to its effects and the individual who forces it upon them.

“Pleasure Dens” and “Tranquility Dens” exist in every major city as a tourist attraction and form a multi-million *creen industry. There are also “Aura Spas” that specialize in manipulating this energy in the form of intense massages with the intent of relaxing customers.

*Creen = Universal Cerolian Currency