List of Known Attunements

Attunements are passive and active abilities granted to all of the sentient races of Cerolia by their Symbiont. They can be identified by the color of visible patterns on the skin or fur on all races aside from the Varian, whose patterns are hidden beneath armored scales. All of these abilities drain a Symbiont of its energy while in use and hasten the effects of Æther Sickness if the utilized energy is not replenished. Passive abilities only drain energy when they are being used in extreme environments, while active abilities drain energy by their direct and purposeful use. For this reason, some individuals wear specialized Amethya jewelry or carry objects that can capture excess life energy from their victims.

The Mek’Vatir, a race of insect-like creatures one centimeter in height, are often carried and harvested in excess to replenish this spiritual energy.


Symbiont Color: Light Blue
Type: Passive
Drain: Extreme arctic conditions.

Individuals who have this attunement are immune to the effects of extreme cold and cannot be subject to hypothermia or frostbite. They can feel cool air only when their environment’s temperature raises in order to allow them to remain comfortable in hot areas. Frigid attuned individuals are exceptionally adept in arctic environments, requiring little protection from the outside elements forsake their casual clothing. Mek’Vatir can survive in extremely cold environments as well, and remain conscious even when frozen solid. This makes replenishing lost energy easy for intrepid Frigid Attuned individuals, as they do not have to worry about the Mek’Vatir they carry freezing to death.

  • A frigid attunement does not assist in acclimation to the thinner air of higher elevation, nor does it stop water from freezing atop the skin. Brushing off snow and ice from the body frequently is recommended to prevent ice buildup.


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Symbiont Color: Dark Green
Type: Active
Drain: On use.

Also known as “Terra Botanical”, individuals with this attunement have the ability to assist the growth cycle of an environment’s flora. Through consistent care, plants that normally take a season to grow can be cultivated within days. For this reason, botanical attuned individuals excel in any life path that involves caring for plant life or producing a bountiful harvest. They can be absolutely vital to the sustainability of a nation, and are responsible for the majority of Cerolia’s farmed produce.

  • Those with a Botanical attunement can leave their ‘Mark’ on the Mek’Vatir, which allows the small creatures to passively spread the attuned individual’s influence among plant life. This process immediately advances the individual to Stage 2 of Æther Sickness.


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Symbiont Color: Dark Green
Type: Active
Drain: On use.

Also known as “Terra Medical”, individuals with this attunement can aid in the recovery of wounds received by other people. The speed of healing is normally determined by the severity of the wound, and some level of training is recommended before one attempts to heal severe damage.

Untrained individuals risk sealing foreign objects inside the wounded’s body or improperly healing bones. Due to the sensitive nature of their work, most Medically Attuned individuals tend to carry objects that assist in storing spiritual energy such as staffs or specialized crystalline jewelry. This gives them the ability to siphon excess spiritual energy while focusing on their craft.

  • Those with a Medical Attunement can leave their ‘Mark’ on those in their care, which is a maneuver capable of bringing an individual back from the brink of death. This process can be dangerous if used without nearby sacrifices or storage crystals, as it immediately advances the individual to Stage 2 of Æther Sickness.


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Symbiont Color: Dark Blue
Type: Passive
Drain: Constant

Hydro Attuned (AKA Aquatic Attuned) individuals have the ability to breathe in water, though the first breath is usually extremely uncomfortable. They are different from others down to their blood and muscle tissue, which is produced by the Symbiont and allows the host’s body to function on extremely low amounts of oxygen.

The crystalline structure permeates their lungs to help regulate normal oxygen intake to keep the host from hyperventilating on the surface. When the host attempts to breathe in water, the liquid is redirected from the lungs and quickly forced through a series of crystalline channels in the chest. These channels act as gills, filtering enough oxygen for their body to comfortably exist once the attuned individual has mentally adjusted to breathing water.

  • Due to the drastic nature of a Hydro Attuned individual’s body structure, they can only receive successful blood transfusions from other Hydro Attuned individuals of their same race and blood type. Attempting a transfusion with anyone else is fatal.

  • Hydro Attuned individuals must harvest the souls of at least four Mek’Vatir daily in order to stave off Æther Sickness, which is twice the amount of a non-Hydro individual. This is because the Symbiont is constantly working to dissipate excess oxygen while on the surface and filter oxygen from the water while submerged.

  • The Varian cannot be Hydro Attuned, as they are naturally able to breathe underwater.


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Symbiont Color: Neon Green
Type: Passive
Drain: In irradiated zones.

Nuclear attuned individuals are shielded from all types of ionizing radiation by their Symbiont, keeping them safe no matter the radiation level. They are free from the threat of radiation sickness and all other potential hazards when dealing with radioactive materials.

While in a radiation zone, the neon green markings of the host release a constant eerie green mist which increases in intensity as radiation levels increase. Due to the constant drain on the Symbiont in irradiated areas, the host must harvest the souls of six Mek’Vatir per day in order to stave off Æther Sickness.

  • The Jalar cannot be Nuclear Attuned, as they are immune to radiation as a race.

  • The Mek’Vatir are immune to all types of radiation as a race, and can be safely carried into radiation zones without fear of accidentally killing one’s spiritual energy supply.


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Symbiont Color: Red
Type: Passive
Drain: In extremely high temperatures.

Blaze attuned individuals experience no discomfort when it comes to heat, and cannot be harmed by extremely high temperatures. This extends to all parts of their body, including their hair and fur. It, however, does not extend to objects they may be holding or wearing such as devices or articles of clothing.

Blaze Attuned individuals excel in roles where they may come into contact with extreme heat, such as desert exploration and firefighting.

  • While someone who is Blaze Attuned may not experience any damage due to heat, they are still subject to dangers such as smoke inhalation as well as other non-temperature related ailments.

  • Blaze Attuned individuals still sweat, which can make them feel cooler in hot environments. They can also suffer from dehydration, and need to be conscious of their liquid intake in hot environments.


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Symbiont Color:
Type: Mixed
Drain: Constant, On use.

Prime Attunement is an extremely rare boon that grants the host access to the abilities of all other attunements. It occurs when a child is born from a specialized Symbiont Crystal, which is impossible to differentiate from others. While this ability does grant someone access to all other powers, it also locks them into most other weaknesses as well.

Their bodies run so efficiently that they are seemingly unaffected by changing temperature other than a cool breeze or a small bit of warm air. They have the same physical crystalline track around their lungs as a Hydro Attuned individual, allowing them to breathe underwater.

They most benefit from a Blaze Attunement, in which their crystalline-infused lungs actually can filter out smoke and prevent death from smoke inhalation. They rarely feel the effects of thinner air at altitude as well, since their bodies require less oxygen to begin with.

  • Prime Attuned individuals can only accept blood transfusions from Hydro and Prime Attuned hosts of their own race. Accepting blood from any other host is fatal.

  • Prime Attuned individuals also require at least four Mek’Vatir per day, due to the drawbacks of Hydro Attunement.


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Symbiont Color:
Type: Unknown
Drain: Unknown