

Pronunciation: eh-DOR-aye
Physique: Feminine
Average Height: 190cm
Average Weight: 47kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 104kg
Population Level: Moderate
Locomotion: Unguligrade, Plantigrade


  • Horns

  • Hooves (Adept at climbing)

  • Enhanced Sense of Smell

The Edoraii are a feminine, fur-covered caprinae race. They have horns atop their head that come in various shapes and sizes, and generally have small fluffy tails measuring no longer than 30cm in length. They have small hooves on the tips of their fingers instead of fingernails, with soft velvety frogs for grip. The cloven hooves on their feet are the same as well, with rubbery/velvety elastic frogs and hard outer wall that allow them to keep grip in adverse conditions.

While most Edoraii are Unguligrade, there is a significant population who are Plantigrade. For these individuals, the soles of their feet are generally covered in a thin layer of fur while they have two cloven ‘toes’.

They don’t generally have crystalline symbiont patterns that are visible throughout their body. Instead, their horns and hooves are always the color of their attunement. When they collect spiritual energy from the Mek’Vatir, these horns and hooves glow like other race’s markings. They tend to have tufts of fur on the back of their calves as well, which some Edoraii choose to trim. Their fur patterns also have no restrictions of tone and color, some ranging from browns and tans to pastel pinks and purples.