
Azron Klaha (Ref Sheet, Nevarrian War).png

Pronunciation: ruh-KYE
Physique: Masculine
Average Height: 210cm
Average Weight: 95kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 120kg
Population Level: High
Locomotion: Plantigrade

Natural Advantages:

  • Crystalline Spine

  • Crystalline Forearms (Defensive, Offensive)

  • Crystalline Shoulders

  • Crystalline Calves

  • Horns

  • Spaded Blade-like Tail

The Raki are a masculine race with a long, slender, fur-coated tail that has a spaded crystalline tip at the end. This spaded crystal is always the same color as their attunement, and is generally sharp enough to cut like a blade if properly maintained. They have thick, crystalline armor on their forearms, ankles/calves, spine, and shoulders. Their horns are thick, and can take many shapes from curled to pointed.

Their crystalline Symbiont patterns manifest themselves in the form of intricate swirling patterns and dots throughout their bodies. These markings are always found on the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Their hair colors are not limited, and always grow into formations of hair that resemble dreadlocks. These locks come from clusters on their scalp and require a unique care routine, much like the Jalar. They also have long, pointed ears that extend horizontally from their heads.

Colors for their skin tone, horns, and tail fur colors are just as unlimited as their hair colors. There have been recorded instances of purples, greens, pinks, and many other colors for all of their features. The only limitation is that the sclera of their eyes are always simply black. The overall population of Raki throughout Cerolia is second only to the Aluni.