
Jalar (Web).png


Pronunciation: yay-LAR
Physique: Feminine
Average Height: 190cm
Average Weight: 71kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 90kg
Population Level: High
Locomotion: Plantigrade


  • Radiation Immunity

  • Claws

  • Fur Coat

  • Enhanced Sense of Smell

  • Tapetum Lucidum

The Jalar are a feminine Ailuridae race. Their Symbiont is far more intertwined with their bodies than any of the other races of Cerolia. Because of this, the soft tissue of their bodies and their blood will always be the same color as their attunement. This even extends to their hair, which naturally grows in thick dreadlock-like structures from clusters of hair follicles on their scalp. Many of these locks share the same color as their attunement, and will glow when they absorb spiritual energy. Like the Raki, these locks require a specialized care routine.

They have no pads on the palms of their hands and the soles of their paws, which are always covered in white fur. When they absorb energy from the Mek’Vatir, these white strands act as fiber-optic wires and glow with the color of their attunement. Other than this, their fur, eye, and hair colors are unlimited, ranging from bright pastel pinks to dark greens and grays.

With such a large portion of their body devoted to their Symbiont, this allows all of the Jalar to be immune to all forms of ionizing radiation. Because of this, no Jalar are able to be Nuclear Attuned.