
Creed Deimos.png

Pronunciation: luh-THAY-re-un
Physique: Masculine
Average Height: 190cm
Average Weight: 80kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 100kg
Population Level: Extremely Low
Locomotion: Plantigrade

Natural Advantages:

  • Symbiont Defense

  • Horns

  • Adaptive Infrared Vision

Latherians are a masculine, horned race with a specialized third eye. While their actual eyes are always black with no distinguishable pupils or iris, the eye in the center of their forehead can be of any color. This third eye is not one they can actually see through, and moves independently of the Latherian’s will. It’s believed that this is connected to the Symbiont, making them the only race on Cerolia where their Symbiont can actually see into the outside world. This gives them multiple advantages - which includes the Symbiont being able to extend their joined spiritual energy outside of the body to defend their host. While this is a possibility, actual instances of this happening are extremely rare and only seen in times of extreme desperation.

Starting on either side of this third eye, the Letharian always have large horns atop their head. The shape and structure of these horns can vary from individual to individual greatly. While they are all indeed horns, some do resemble thick horn-like antlers. Skin tones for the Latherians are unlimited, ranging from monochromatic to vibrant shades. Their symbiont patterns are also generally extremely intricate and resemble symbols. While these patterns can appear at any point on their body, they will always be on the soles of their feet and palms of their hands.

Their colorless eyes are also quite unique. Of all the races of Cerolia, their eyesight at night is the absolute best. While most night-based races such as the Dark Sarin have a tapetum lucidum which allows them to see well in low light, Latherians do not. Instead, they have the ability to see in both infrared and standard visible light. While this shift occurs naturally when entering dark areas, they can also will it to occur. The ability to see in infrared means that the Latherian can see in zero-light environments.