
Reference Sheet (Nevarrian War, Web).png

Lain Campbell.jpg

Pronunciation: AH-loo-nye
Physique: Feminine
Average Height: 180cm
Average Weight: 59kg (Cerolia) | (Earth) 75kg
Population Level: High
Locomotion: Plantigrade

Natural Advantages:

  • Armored spine

  • Armored forearms (Defensive, Offensive)

  • Armored Shoulders

  • Armored Calves

  • Sharp Canines/Fangs

The Aluni are a feminine race with fluffy wolf-like tails and long fur-coated ears that come to a point. Their ears have a large range of movement, and tend to lower or shift in tandem with their emotions. They have strong fur-coated exposed bones that are capable of blocking impacts from sharpened blades on their forearms, ankles/calves, spine, and shoulders. They also have extra muscle groups on their wrists that allows them to lock their ‘Forearm Blades’ in place for offensive purposes. The most unique thing about this race, however, are their eyes. Beneath the cornea, black inky tendrils extend across the iris, originating from the pupil. They constantly move, and during an adrenaline rush the pupil becomes covered in a colored layer that enhances the Aluni’s ability to see in the dark, detect movement, and protects the eye from impacts. Their fingertips and toenails are strong and come to a clawed point.

Their crystalline Symbiont patterns manifest themselves in the form of intricate swirling patterns all throughout their body. These markings are always found on the palms of their hands, the soles of their feet, and are always the color of their attunement. Their hair colors are not limited, and in some cases an Aluni’s hair will change color up to 8 centimeters when cut. This results in a hairstyle that looks like the tips have been deliberately dyed.

With the highest population of all the races, the Aluni are found all across the planet in droves. Their skin-tones vary in color from dark brown to pale white depending on their heritage. It is said that they are the first descendants of the ancient Ali, and most resemble their forbearers.